Understanding fluids along fault systems

Fluid pressure has a significant effect on earthquake rupturing and fault behavior. Increased permeability as a direct result of faulting can occur, but fracture networks can also form impermeable barriers or combined permeable and impermeable zones. Fractures in the Earth’s crust can open episodically due to seismic events, and fluids are mobilized to form veins. In this process, minerals accumulate in the veins after earthquake activity. We study veins and fluid-filled fractures in rocks because they have the potential to directly record information regarding the fluid composition and the permeability of fracture networks after seismic activity.

In one of our projects, we worked to understand the nature, source, and extent of fluids recorded by fracture networks along the seismically-active North Anatolian Fault in north-central Turkey. We collected rocks directly from portions of the fault system that displace carbonate assemblages at the surface. We studied the fractures for their geochemical signatures, trying to understand if the fluids that filled the fractures were deep crustal- or mantle-derived fluids. This would indicate that this faulty is accessing deep, over-pressured fluids. Alternatively, other processes may dominate, and their veins would record mineralization during previous events related to the closure of the Tethyan oceans with no evidence of more recent activity.

This work was funded by the National Science Foundation: International Division.


Peer-reviewed publications regarding this work:

Sturrock CP, Catlos EJ, Miller NR, Akgun A, Fall A, Gabtov R, Yilmaz IO, Larson T, Black K (2017) Fluids along the North Anatolian Fault, Niksar Basin, north central Turkey: Insight from stable isotopic and geochemical analysis of calcite veins. Journal of Structural Geology, 101, 58-79.

Elizabeth Catlos

Elizabeth Catlos is an Associate Professor in the Department of Geological Sciences at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests are in developing and applying new techniques to study Earth dynamics and evolution over time. Most of her research revolves around dating radioactive minerals (geochronology). She uses this and other chemical data from rocks to create models for how major fault systems operated in the past. She has published widely about how fault systems developed in the Himalayas and Turkey, and how mineral ages time significant geological events that occurred in the past. She has journal publications in Science, PloSOne, International Geology Reviews, Journal of Structural Geology, Resources, American Journal of Science, American Mineralogist, among others. She has received funding for her research from the National Science Foundation's International and Tectonics Divisions. She received multiple awards for her research, service, and teaching, including the Geological Society of America's (GSA) Young Scientist Award (Donath Medal), the Knebel Teaching Award for Introductory Course, the Texas Exes Teaching Award, and two outstanding reviewer awards for top-tier journals. She is a GSA Fellow and was invited visiting faculty at UCLA and Heidelberg University (Germany). At UT Austin, she is the Director of the Electron Microbeam Laboratory.


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